Wednesday, August 26, 2009

dear mimien,

1. Umi and Bak dah berangkat ke Tanah Suci malam semalam. Sebelum bertolak dari rumah untuk ke Subang dorang ada call tapi harini (dah sampai agaknya) belum lagi. Can't wait to hear from them. Doakan kejayaan orang n adik2, and mintak dimurahkan rezeki okay Umi+Bak. IMYA :)
*ini hanya kata2 hati aku. tak mungkin la umi+bak baca blog ni. memang tak laa and lets just keep it that way*

2. One of my housemate has been diagnosed with Influenza A. U scared the whole house to death doe.. Hope you get well soon, and i mean real soon. Mid sem exams dah dekat ni. Wednesday, the rest of the house disuruh pergi checkup bcause kita got close contact dgn mangsa tu. FUHHH.., luckily we we're all healthy so theres nothing to worry about.